Troop 2324,

This Tuesday (September 18th) our Woodlands trail boys will have a much anticipated Bike safety and Bike Rodeo during our troop meeting.   In addition to learning safety and maintenance, we will have a fun obstacle course for the boys to enjoy on their bikes.  Please be sure to send your Trailman with his bike and helmet (if possible). (If you dont have one, there will be plenty of bikes to share.)

We will be giving our new Trailmen (and recently promoted Trailmen) and opportunity to recite the Trailman oath in-front of the entire troop during our meeting— and this is part of the Joining Awards requirement for each of our Trailmen.  Consult our Knowledge base article on the Trailman Oath for more details, and for some helpful tips in discussing this oath with your boy(s).

Looking forward to another fun time of bike safety....see you on Tuesday!

-Brian Fox

Troop Lead