Trail Life Friends and Families,
At our first meeting of the season, we had lots of new families check out the troop— and lots of returning families join us. We're so excited to see the season get underway, and have a few updates and reminders for you as we kick off.


Troop Fees and TLUSA registrations.

 Just a reminder, that if you’ve not paid your troop fees yet, or registered or renewed with Trail Life USA (Trooptrack), please do that as soon as possible.  Our Treasurer Josh Miller will be available during and after our meeting tomorrow night to answer any questions, and get troop fees taken care of.  (Reminder— the online registration has to be done either way— and you’ll have the option when completing to pay by Credit Card, or to designate you’d like to pay by cash or check.  If paying by check, please make checks payable to NewHeart, and write Trail Life in the memo)


Integrated Patrol Meeting Tomorrow Night

Tomorrow night — Tuesday, September 4th— is our next troop meeting, and we’re excited for the season. Reminder— we are meeting from 6:15-8:15pm this troop season— so please adjust accordingly!  This meeting will again be a different meeting, as we publicly announce our Integrated Junior Patrol Leaders, Assistant Junior Patrol Leaders, and place each of our boys in the troop into one of our Integrated patrols (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo Patrols).  Tomorrow night will be fun filled time, so please make sure to be there, ready to go, at our new time of 6:15pm-8:15pm.

Also as a note—we don't always send out email reminders for regular troop meetings or activities. Please be sure to Download our Troop Calendar (and check our website or FaceBook page for changes to activities or for more details about them)


Follow us on Facebook

Join us on Facebook.   Also as a reminder, please Like and Follow our Facebook page for troop updates, and announcements of troop events, etc.  (By the way— if you’re a Facebook ninja and want to help us keep up our page, let us know—we’re looking for a Social Media Lead for the troop!)  You can like our “official” page at  


For those who are active members of our troop (or Family thereof), please also be sure to like our Friends and Family page ( ).  This page is where we post photos or video of troop activity, and the contents are available and visible only to members of our closed group (for privacy of our minors).  Feel free to post photos you take during Troop meetings, Hit the Trails, or Camps on this private page (And not elsewhere on Social media, if the photos are of more than your kiddos!)

Parents Meeting for Woodlands Trail

We will be having a quick Dad's meeting after our troop meeting this Tuesday. Our Woodlands Ranger, Mr Szabo will be discussing our upcoming meetings and signing up Dads to lead teachings for the coming season. Please plan on sticking around for a few minutes after our meeting.



As always, myself (Brian), Alex and Ryan will be available before, during or after the meeting if you have any questions or need help in any way… Looking forward to tomorrow night…


Let’s Walk Worthy!


-Pastor Brian Fox
Troop Lead