We had a fantastic All-Troop meeting last night as our newly appointed Junior Patrol Leaders (JPL), along with their Assistant Junior Patrol Leaders (A-JPL), led our new integrated patrols for our rotations.  It was also great to see our newly Appointed Quartermaster (Patrick Bryson), and First Officer (Andrew Williams) take the helm in their roles as troop leaders.

Moving forward each Regular meeting will begin and end with the Patrols meeting together as they practiced last night.  After our meeting is under-way, we will then continue to break into our peer "Groups" for our rotations.  (Fox Patrol will go together, Hawks, etc).

Troop fees
This is a reminder that Local troop fees are due and you will need to ensure your Trail Life USA membership is current.  We are only able to order awards if you're current on both local fees and your TLUSA membership  (and TLUSA membership is required for all outings and hit the trail events also.  For our Local fees, please visit our website and register today.

Troop Attendance

Our JPL's will be taking attendance at each meeting, and our Troop Advancement Lead (Mrs. Bryson) will regularly be updating our troop attendance Roster, and updating our Step Tracking sheets for the Woodlands Trail boys (Foxes, Hawks & Mountain Lions).

We will print these regularly and have them available at our meetings so your Group's Trail Guides can update their boys' Woodlands Trail Handbook.  (As we discussed last night, for any new boys to our troop— we will be issuing these Handbooks at our next meeting).  So you are familiar with the format, I am attaching both the Attendance Tracking spreadsheet, and Each Group's Step Tracking sheet with current (as of today) information.

As always— please review these, and let us know if attendance has not been recorded correctly.

If you have an attendance updates, or need to add a "Family Home Activity" (FHA) to make-up a missed step, please email our Advancement Lead at our new email address of:   attendance@tlsv.org

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out...looking forward to another awesome season of Troop Life!

Attendance and Step Tracking Sheets: (PDF downloads)

  • NOTE— this info was emailed out to our parents— if you need a copy, please visit our troop meeting!

- Pastor Brian Fox
Troop Institutional Head

As always visit our troop website for more details: http://tlsv.org