Trail Life Families,

Hit the Trail this Weekend.

As announced at our troop meeting last night, we have our first Hit the Trail Hike scheduled for this Saturday @ 9am, and we are going to the Hummingbird Trail / Cave Swings hike in the hills above Simi Valley. This moderate 3.9 mile loop is steep, but doable for all trailmen and dads, and we’d love to see you on the trail with us! We are meeting at the Hummingbird Trailhead (at the End of Kuehner) at 9am and will be hiking all the way to the top. Gloves and jackets are recommend as it may be cool near the top and in the shade, but additionally as we will be traversing some rocks, and they will help!
More details are available on the event page »

All Events updated on the Troop Calendar (PDF)

Also— our Youth leadership— or "Officers Conference"— has put details to all of our scheduled Hit the Trails and Camping Trips for the season. Please take a moment to Re-download a new copy of our Troop schedule PDF (that was updated today 18-September) from our troop website (Download it here), and visit the the Event Page for full details of the events as we update those event pages. (Note— we are still adding details for all events, and they should be updated in the coming days and weeks). Also note— some times have changed based on hikes, and we have also added one additional Hike on Sunday September 29th, so please look at the PDF for more info!

To get the most of out Trail Life experience, we encourage you to make time to be part of our Hit the Trails and Camping Outings this season…so please add them to your family calendars!

Need to Order a Uniform still?

As announced, our Troop Dad Mr. Avis is coordinating a group order if you have any items you are still in need of ordering (and you’d like to save some on shipping). To add your order to the troop order, please fill out Mr. Avis’ google form linked here »

That’s all for now— hope to see you guys on the Trail this coming Saturday!

Let’s Walk Worthy!

Pastor Brian Fox
Troop Lead (Institutional Head) and Trailmaster