Troop Families,

The recent events in our community have caused great pain and hardship to a lot of us, and often times the suffering is too great to bear alone.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our troop leadership for any way that we can serve those in need of assistance at this time.  Our troop stands strong and encouraged that we have a good and sovereign God that gives hope through His Son Jesus Christ beyond measure.  Please join us as we pray for our firefighters, first responders, and our community as a whole during this time of need.

Upcoming Events

Tonight’s Meeting (Nov 13th)

Our good friend Gunnery Sergeant Napper will be our speaker for the night.  Please don’t miss out on this opportunity to take part in this meeting and learn Flag Folding, Military Marching, and about our nation’s history.  Hope everyone can make it.

USS IOWA (Nov 17th)

Our upcoming USS IOWA outing is scheduled for this weekend (Nov 17th).  We have closed registration at this point and hope that all registered Trailman+dads will be able to make it to this memorable outing.  We will be sending the full details pertaining to this event on a separate email.

Operation Christmas Child (Nov 12-19th)

Thank you for all those who participated in our packing of boxes.  We surpassed our goal of packing 100 shoeboxes, thank you all for taking part in this ministry of helping those in need and sharing the gospel where is greatly needed.  Please contact your trail guide if you want to earn volunteer hours during this week, note that this is the final week for collection and volunteers are always needed.

MB2 Dad’s Outing (Nov 20th)

Next Tuesday (Nov 20th) we will have a dad’s outing at MB2 Raceway Thousand Oaks at 8pm.   The purpose of this outing is for the dads to fellowship, to get to know dad’s within their son’s peer group, and also for the leadership to get to know the new dad’s.   The reason for our troop’s success is because of the role that each dad assumes in our troop and in their son’s life.  We want to grow those bonds between dad’s and be able to sharpen each other as we lead our families and train our son’s into the men that God has purposed them to be.  More details will be sent on a separate email.

Awards Ceremony (Nov 27th)

This is a time where we get to honor the work that God is doing in your son’s life and recognize each trainmen for their achievements. Please check with your Trail Guide for any attendance / step corrections that need to be made, we want to ensure that each trainman is properly awarded for each of their achievements.  If your trainmen has not completed the joining requirements, please check with your Trailguide to ensure that they are given an opportunity to complete them before the Awards Ceremony.

Look forward to seeing everyone tonight.

