Trailmen and Parents,

Tomorrow night— Tuesday, November 27th – is our first awards ceremony of our current season.  We have many new and promoting trailmen earning their Joining awards and some earning Branches, Sylvan stars and Badges.  This is a great event to invite the whole family to attend— including grandparents and siblings!  Please arrive at or before 6:15pm, so your Trailman can gather and assemble with their Integrated Patrol before our awards ceremony.  Boys that are part of and selected from the Alpha patrol will be leading our Color guard for our Ceremony.

What if my Trailman Isn't earning any awards this time?

In our Fall/Winter Awards ceremony, we often have several trailmen who have not yet earned New awards for the season…and that is ok.  Many of our branch awards require many steps towards earning.  We ask all of our Trailmen to still attend to support their other friends in the troop.  Please consult your handbook for steps required to complete each award— and ask a member of our troop leadership with any questions you have.


Bring a dessert to Share.

After our awards ceremony we will be opening up Rooms 1 & 2 for a Dessert and hang-out time.  Bring a dessert to share—pot-luck style—and the troop will provide some ice cream.  So please stick around, get to know some of the parents, and celebrate with our boys!

We look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow night!

Walk Worthy,

Brian Fox
Troop Lead