Trailmen and parents,

Just a quick reminder about our troop meeting tonight at 6:15pm.

Tonight our Woodlands trailmen we will be working on the Values branch— and specifically the boys will be earning requirements for their Worthy Life Award, which is a special award for Trail Life with a focus on our faith (as well as building a Christmas Ornament and writing letters to Soldiers!).  Boys are encouraged to bring their own personal bible (if they have one) for this meeting at our December 18th meeting. (If you need help picking a bible, please see Pastor Brian on some recommendations—  and we will have some of our classroom bibles if your trailmen forgets, or needs to use one)
We’ve got a few upcoming dates— with more details to be given out tonight:
  • NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT— December 11th — we will be participating in a special Christmas Caroling event with AHG.
  • This Sunday afternoon— December 9th— we will be hiking Mt. Mcoy cross for a fun Hit the Trail event at 1pm.



Brian Fox

-Troop Lead