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The Felling Method

While that may be an option, we can’t cut down every tree we see just to find out how tall it is. Instead we can use the Felling Method that mimics cutting the tree down.  Note: Trees will not be harmed when using the Felling Method. The Felling Method requires you to have access to the base of the object.  This method cannot be used if you are attempting to determine the height of an object across the river.  To use the Felling Method, follow the noted steps:


  1. Back away from the object and hold a stick upright at arm’s length ensuring the top of the stick appears to touch the top of the object. Note: if your stick is too small, you are not far enough from the object.
  2. Turn the stick 90 degrees so it is lined up with the horizon simulating that the object has fallen, hence the term “felling.”
  3. Have your buddy stand at the location where the tip of the stick ends.
  4. Pace the distance between the marker and the base of the object to determine the height.



Stick (Pencil) Method

The Stick Method is also known as the Pencil Method. This method is used to estimate the height of an object. To use the Stick Method, follow the noted steps:

  1. Have a friend (whose height is known) stand beside the object to be measured.
  2. Hold a pencil or stick at arm’s length and with one eye, move your pencil or stick up and determine the number of stick required to cover the entire height of the object.
  3. Multiply the number obtained from step 2 with the height of your friend to determine the height of the object.



These are just basic techniques used to estimate height.  Since these techniques are just estimation, trailmen should conduct the estimation multiple times to determine whether errors were introduced.  As these techniques are used more and more, the accuracy of the results should improve.


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