November Meetings and Hit the Trails…

Hello Trailmen and Parents, It is hard to believe we are already starting November.  Join us this coming Tuesday, November 2nd, at 6:15PM for our regular meeting.  Woodlands will focus on hobbies and their Worthy Life lessons and our Navigators will focus on First...

October Camping Trip Postponed

Hello TLSV, The organized backpacking/camping trip scheduled for Oct 21-24 is postponed to a date to be determined.  Unfortunately, some of our scheduled leaders for this trip are unavailable and there was no one who showed up to the pre-camp meeting announced at last...

Troop Meeting Tuesday, Oct 5 at 6:15PM

Greetings TLSV and welcome to October, Our next regular meeting will be this coming Tuesday, Oct 5, at 6:15PM.  Trailmen should bring their sense of adventure and good sportsmanship as the Navigators continue work on Trail Skills and the Woodlands press forward with...