All Elective Badges

Below are PDF's of all of our approved Elective badges our Trailmen can choose from during their time with Trail Life.     Airsoft(Leaders Guide: Airsoft -Mentoring Guide Apologetics I Apologetics II Archery Art History Aviation Backpacking Baseball...

Rifle Badge

All Rifle activities should be done under safety requirements of the Trail Life USA Health and Safety guide and the Shooting Sports Guidebook. Rifle elective Badge ShootingSportsOrientation Elective Badge...

Woods Tools Trail Badge

Req. Sub. Description:  Trail Life Handbook (First Printing) Trail Life Handbook (Second Printing) Resource: 1. Explain how being a good steward and observing the low impact camping method applies to Woods Tools. pp. 140 - 142 pp. 116-118 Know and always follow the...

Limbing and Bucking a Fallen Tree

Limbing is the process of removing branches from the stem of a fallen tree.  Bucking is the process of cutting a felled and delimbed tree into logs.  Bucking is often used to remove trees that have fallen across trails. Safety Before proceeding with any limbing or...