Hello TLSV,

Thanks for a successful awards ceremony last month made possible by all of the youth and adult leaders along with the support from family and friends.  During the awards ceremony we mentioned doing a registered adults/leader meeting on June 8th.  This meeting is cancelled and we are instead doing a survey so we can get your feedback on the past season and give those families that got a head start on summer a chance to weigh in as well.  Click here for the survey and please complete it by June 20, 2021.  We plan to meet later in the summer to discuss the upcoming season, but for now, here are several tentative dates for your calendar.

August 17, 6:15pm at Newheart Church
First regular meeting of 2021-2021 season

August 21, 1:00pm at Newheart Church
Leadership Academy for Navigators and Adventurers

August 31, 7:30p at Newheart Church
Registered adults/leader meeting to open the season

September 7, 6:15pm at Newheart Church
Second Regular meeting, mustering patrols and announce youth leadership positions

Have an enjoyable and safe summer and we look forward to receiving your feedback on the 2020-2021 season.  Again, the meeting for June 8th is cancelled.

Walk worthy,

Ryan Settle
Troop Master