Greetings TLSV,

It is hard to believe that we only have about two months left of our 2021-2022 season.  Here are a couple of updates on some upcoming calendar items.

Our Service Day scheduled for Saturday, March 26, is postponed to a date to be determined.

Our Adventurer Advisor and Woodlands Ranger are working on plans for our Dad's Night Out which is scheduled for Tuesday, March 29.  We will pass additional details in the days to come.

Remaining calendar items for the season are:

Mar 29: Dad's Night Out

Apr 5: Meeting

Apr 19: Meeting

Apr 23: Hit the Trail

Apr 19-May 1: High Adventure Backpack Camping (Sespe)

May 3: Meeting

May 15: Hit the Trail

May 17: End of Year Awards Ceremony


Enjoy your week and Walk Worthy,

Ryan Settle
