Trail Life Families,
Happy New Year from the Trail Life Simi Valley Team!   Tomorrow evening is our First regular meeting of the New Year and we will be having some fun.  Our Navigators are going to be completing their Our Flag Badge and will be ceremonially retiring one (or more) old US flags that are at the end of their lives.  Our Woodlands Trail boys (K-5th) will be continuing their Hobbies Badge, and we will have a special “SHOW AND TELL” time during one of our rotations.  Please have your woodlands Trailmen bring an item for the Show and Tell to share about during this section—each trailmen will have a few minutes (5-10) to share about their item.  Ideas include any Hobbies He likes to do, a collection He has (or part of a collection), or some other item he would like to share with his fellow trailmen.
Hit the Trail this Weekend - BB gun shooting
Our Hit the Trial scheduled for this Saturday morning @ 8am is a go!  We will be setting up a range and shooting BB guns at some targets.  We will have more details at our troop meeting this week, so please plan on attending to get the details of where we are meeting and how you and your Trailmen can participate.  It’s going to be a memorable outing for sure, so plan on being a part of this one!
See you all on Tuesday!
-Pastor Brian