Trail Life Families,

It’s hard to believe that our last regular meeting of the troop season is tonight, but our season is not yet over!  Tonight we have our final “Board of Review” meeting for all Navigator and Adventurer Trailmen, and our Woodlands Trail Trailmen will be finishing their last step on the “Outdoor Skills” branch of learning.

SESPE CREEK BACKPACKING is soon! - May 16-19th, 2024

We are just about 1 week away from our High Adventure backpacking trip at Sespe Creek!  We have 28 boys and dad’s registered to hit the trail with us this next week, and if you signed up (or even if you didn’t but are considering coming with us) please join me after our troop meeting tonight for a quick planning meeting.  (We will meet for about 10-15 minutes afterwards to discuss the hike and answer any questions you have about Sespe).  This camping trip is always the highlight of the season for me, and I hope you and your Trailmen can make it this year.  (Be sure to checkout the packing list on the troop website:

END OF YEAR Awards Ceremony - May 21st 2024

We always finish our season with a troop-wide awards ceremony where we honor and recognize our boys' accomplishments during our troop season.  This event is a Family event, and we love to have moms, grandparents and siblings join us for our awards ceremony.  We will be having a potluck dessert time afterwards, so plan on being there for that portion.

Tonight at our meeting a full list of what awards your Trailman has earned will be listed in the lobby.  While we will recognize your Trailmen’s awards at our ceremony, purchasing of physical awards are optional— though many chose to do so.  You can order your awards directly from Trail Life USA, but we will have order forms for a group order TONIGHT at our Troop meeting so you can order awards.  If you have any questions about what awards your son has earned, or you believe we have any errors in our lists, please see Ranger Smith tonight (for Woodlands Boys),Trailmaster Fox (for Navigators), or Advisor Bryson (for Adventurers) and we can get the lists adjusted. 

That’s all for now— see you tonight, and let’s walk worthy!


Brian Fox 
Troop Institutional Head