Measure Height of an Object

The Felling Method While that may be an option, we can’t cut down every tree we see just to find out how tall it is. Instead we can use the Felling Method that mimics cutting the tree down.  Note: Trees will not be harmed when using the Felling Method. The Felling...

Hiking and Wildlife

Whether you hike, mountain bike, float rivers or ride horses, there are precautions you should take. Following the suggestions below will help make the journey safer for you, your companions, and wildlife. Remember, all wildlife can be dangerous. Please do not...

How to Safely Cross a River

When you are really out in the wilderness, it's likely that you'll need to ford a river or stream where you need to walk across it to get to the other side. Depending on the temperature and water levels, fording rivers and stream on backpacking trips can be quite...

Identifying Poison Oak

Poison Oak is an inevitability in the trails and campgrounds of Southern California.  We see this irritant at nearly every one of our outings, so it's important to be able to identify and avoid this plant if at all possible.   A stroll in the woods is nearly...

The Buddy System

The Buddy System: There is safety in numbers.  Ecclesiastes 4:10 "For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up." The buddy system is a procedure in which two people, the...