by Ryan Settle | Nov 27, 2022 | News, Notifications
Attention on deck! This message is for those signed up for the USS Midway overnight camping trip scheduled for Saturday December 3, 2022. Check in starts at 6:00 PM with a boarding time of 6:30 PM. Please check in with the Troopmaster on the pier next to the Midway...
by brian | Nov 1, 2022 | News, Notifications
Trail Life families, Tonight (November 1st) is our first meeting of November @ 6:15pm….don’t miss it. Our Woodlands Trail boys will be starting their Values branch of learning, Navigators will be continuing their Trail Skills badge (with a fun Orienteering course...
by brian | Oct 24, 2022 | News, Notifications
Trail Life Families, This Tuesday (October 25th) is our Fall Awards Ceremony. We will be celebrating all of our Trailmen, with many new and promoting trailmen earning their Joining Awards, and some additional awards already earned this season so far. As usual, our...
by brian | Oct 6, 2022 | News, Notifications
Trail Life Families, I wanted to give you a scheduling update for our upcoming USS MIDWAY camping trip. The date has shifted 2 weeks later to SATURDAY DECEMBER 3RD, 2022. The master troop calendar has been updated on the troop website to reflect this (and one Hit the...
by brian | Oct 4, 2022 | News, Notifications
Trail Life Families, Just a reminder that tonight (October 4th) is our regular Trail Life Meeting @ 6:15pm. We’ve got lots of fun stuff planned for the Trailmen, so be sure to be there right on time. Many of our Trailmen during our last meeting were given an...
by brian | Sep 19, 2022 | News, Notifications
Trail Life Families, Our next regular troop meeting is tomorrow night (September 20th) at 6:15pm. Our Woodlands trail boys will be focusing on their Sports & Fitness branch of learning, Navigators on their Camping Badges and learning about Elective Badges, and...