Remainder of Season Events

Hello Trailmen and Parents, It is hard to believe the season is already coming to a close.  We have a number of events happening over the next few weeks which I will cover in this message. Backpacking and camping at Sespe Creek will happen this Thursday through...

Chivo Canyon Hit the Trail Hike – Sunday @ 2pm.

  Trail Life Families, We have a previously un-specified Hit the Trail / Hike scheduled for this Sunday afternoon. We've been on the Chivo Canyon / Marr Ranch Loop before, but we've never taken the entire loop @ 4.8 miles. This will be a great "warm-up" for our...

Troop Meeting tonight, Camping this Weekend…

Trail Life Families, Just a reminder that we will be meeting tonight for our 1st Tuesday Troop Meeting @ 6:15pm.  Our Woodlands Trail boys will be learning about Science and Technology, while our Navigators will be beginning a very practical badge of "Outdoor...

Mandalorian Hike and Cachuma Camping

Hello Troop, As announced at our meeting last night, our newly added Hit the Trail Hike: "The Mandalorian hike" will take place this Saturday Feb 20th.  We will meet at the Rocky Peak Trail Head ready to move out at 3pm (GPS coordinates 34.26834421730125,...