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Req. Sub. Description:  Trail Life


(First Printing)

Trail Life


(Second Printing)

1. Explain how being a good steward and observing the low impact camping method applies to Woods Tools. pp. 140 - 142 pp. 116-118
  • Know and always follow the safety guidelines as outlined in Woods Tools Safety rules.
  • Know the rules of your area with regards to wood collection, etc. before your trip and bring the appropriate tools.  Follow the rules.
  • Keep all knife, saw, hatchet, and ax blades closed, sheathed, or covered when not in use.
  • Keep your tools sharp and well maintained.  You are safer and have less impact on what you are cutting when your tools are sharp and in good working order.
  • Don't cut, damage, or harm living plants.
  • Always use already downed wood to whittle with, start, or continue a fire.
  • Pay attention whenever working with any wood tool.  Be mindful of the work you are doing as well as aware of others - they might not be paying attention to you!
  • Work in a contained and designated area.
2. Describe the Woods Tools Safety Rules Safety Rules

pg. 164

Safety Rules

pg. 140

3. Demonstrate how to clean and sharpen a pocketknife.
4. Demonstrate how to clean, stow/cover, and change a saw blade for either a folding or bow saw.
5. Demonstrate cleaning and sharpening an ax or hatchet.
6. Following the Woods Tools Safety Rules, participate in skill instruction as needed and do three of the following requirements using a knife, bow saw, folding saw, hatchet, or ax: Safety Rules

pg. 164

Safety Rules

pg. 140

a. Whittle a cooking stick and cook a food item over a wood or charcoal fire.
b Whittle something out of soft wood. For how to whittle:

c. Make a fuzz stick.
d. Prepare tinder, kindling, and fuel wood for a small fire.
e. Saw off a piece of a log at least 2-inches in diameter. The bow or folding saw are the perfect tools for this job.
f. Chop through a log at least 2-inches in diameter on a chopping block. See "How to Split Wood" -

g. Split a log
h. Limb a log (stand on the opposite side of the log from where you are limbing).


Use and ax to cut a V-shaped notch at least 2-inches deep in a large log (bucking).