Chivo Canyon Hit the Trail Hike – Sunday @ 2pm.

  Trail Life Families, We have a previously un-specified Hit the Trail / Hike scheduled for this Sunday afternoon. We've been on the Chivo Canyon / Marr Ranch Loop before, but we've never taken the entire loop @ 4.8 miles. This will be a great "warm-up" for our...

Troop Meeting tonight, Camping this Weekend…

Trail Life Families, Just a reminder that we will be meeting tonight for our 1st Tuesday Troop Meeting @ 6:15pm.  Our Woodlands Trail boys will be learning about Science and Technology, while our Navigators will be beginning a very practical badge of "Outdoor...

Mandalorian Hike and Cachuma Camping

Hello Troop, As announced at our meeting last night, our newly added Hit the Trail Hike: "The Mandalorian hike" will take place this Saturday Feb 20th.  We will meet at the Rocky Peak Trail Head ready to move out at 3pm (GPS coordinates 34.26834421730125,...

Trail Life Meeting Cancelled: Jan 19, 2021

From 10pm Jan 18 through 10pm Jan 19 Simi Valley will be on a Red Flag warning due to high Santa Ana winds out of the north east.  There are generators placed near telephone junction boxes around east Simi Valley and Southern California Edison has indicated a probable...